In our Little Ducklings Infant Room our dedicated, professional, educators provide babies with a safe and nurturing atmosphere in which they build a solid and secure foundation while exploring the world around them.  With lots of love, our Teachers support our youngest students as they begin their journey of self-discovery, and actively investigate their environment.

Babies are constant experimenters, they want to learn about who they are, what they can do, how they can interact with a variety of sights, sounds, objects, and people.  They are on a quest to master the skills of moving their bodies and operate objects within their reach.  At Magic Garden we help infants develop, grow and achieve developmental stages while boosting their self-confidence and instilling in them a sense of their own worth.   Positive relationships with attentive care givers cultivates infants sense of security and trust knowing their needs will be met.

When babies feel safe and loved, their ability to learn, explore, and transform into healthy confident young toddlers is enhanced.

June 72019 (1)
May 242019 (1)