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In Rainbow Room, “Oh Mr. Sun, Please Shine Down On Me” was illustrated using finger paints and rollers.  We also created the sun using a variety of blocks and shapes in a Mandala.

Listening skills are developing, and what better way to learn them, than through music.  The creative movement game everyone enjoyed was “Sally Go Around the Sun.” The children danced and changed direction at the appropriate time.  We also had fun with Musical Chairs, finding a chair when the music stopped.  “Sounds On the Farm” promoted listening for a specific farm picture. “The Freeze Dance” also emphasized listening for the moment we all “Freeze!”

RB dancing

Rainbow children have started working on the Rainbow Garden near the Old Magic Garden Playground.  Now, let’s hope the weather cooperates!



Greetings Families … Such a delightful time of year, in fact, so much so; that many of Paddington’s visits have included spending time in home grown gardens and enjoying Spring inspired treats!! He posed for photos w ith Eddy amongst the daffodils that he and his mom, Laura, planted and with James and Sean atop the raised beds that they helped  their parents, Laura and John, to build. Paddington is presently spending time with Simon and his family, and, the Starlighters are looking very forward to hearing about and discussing this week-end’s adventures. We are beginning to garner participation, as well, in Starlight’s “Sharing Treasures” scheduled for Tuesday and/or Wednesday afternoons, oftentimes when the weather is perfect, Starlight teachers and children take their storybooks, and further discussion about Paddington, outdoors!

SL Paddington

As the warm weather continues, we look forward, to bring bubbles, chalk and simple Summer themed activities outside.


Our theme of bringing the indoors outside continued with the introduction of painting outdoors.  Painting outdoors is not a new concept; however, the logistics of keeping the children clean, keeping paintbrushes from falling into dirt, and keeping papers from flying away can be a challenge. This was solved by putting the paints into the small glue bottles that have the brushes built right into the cap.  The children were quite excited be the idea of painting outside using these containers.  Some of the children thought it was rather silly to put paint into “glue containers” and this elicited a round of giggles. Soon the children were painting on the paper and clipboards that are so familiar to them from previous drawing activities.  The clipboards kept the papers secure, the paint did not spill, and any colorful hands and fingers were quickly cleaned up with the help of wipes!


Sunshine Scoop

Sunshiners can’t get enough of drawing these days, so following their lead we have engaged  in multiple workshops to explore this passion.  Some popular themes have been,  “When I Grow Up, I’m going to be… “and “My Favorite Thing to Eat.”  The Sunshine drawings have certainly been expressive and creative.

The Sunshine book lovers chose a new author to investigate:  Ludwig Bemelmans.  Known for his very popular “Madeline”series, Bemelmans has become an ultimate classroom favorite.  The students have enjoyed selections that include, “Madeline and the Bad Hat” and ”Madeline’s Rescue”.

On the art scene we have discovered the wonders of acrylic paints!  We will contine to explore this medium in the on going school year.  Such imaginative art has evolved!

Starburst Happenings

The Starburst class had an absolutely glorious time visiting Drumlin Farm! On the way to the farm, we saw a fire truck, police car, and a motorcycle (all at different times) which made our walk quite exciting.  Once at the farm we visited the chickens, bunnies, growing piglets, cows, Midnight the pony, sheep, and goats.  We then took a fun hay ride around the farm before heading off to “Bird Hill” to see owls, hawks, turkey vultures, and other birds of prey. Soon it was time for our picnic lunch up on a hill near some more sheep and lambs.   It was then time to head back to Magic Garden.  Along the way, the children talked about what they saw at the farm.  They also noticed of the flowers and other foliage that grew along sidewalk and in front of houses.  There was not a single complaint of anyone being tired as we walked (Starburst kids ROCK!), but almost everyone slept at naptime that day!

We are looking forward to the start of our DeCordova Museum art curriculum, check back in next month to hear all about it!