There are always plenty of child-centered curriculum to be seen in the Moonbeam Classroom! Our girls and boys are still engaged in a multi-faceted unit focusing on the five senses. This month, our children are having a blast as they investigate sight. This sense, as illustrated by a continuous cycle of hands-on explorations, provides us with countless pieces of information about the world around us. The Moonbeam kiddos have been busy, busy busy! Here is a sampling of just some of their educational adventures:

  • Using tools such as magnifying glasses to examine items in the Science Center, including leaves, shells and rare crystals
  • Checking up on our classroom bird (and sometimes squirrel) feeders. You might catch our children armed with binoculars!
  • Embarking on “night time” alphabet scavenger hunts with flashlights
  • Games of pin the nose on the pumpkin…blindfolded
  • Nature walks across our beautiful school campus
  • The daily use of sensory bottles and boxes

Up next: preparations for Magic Garden’s annual Solstice Sing-a-Long!