
The Starlight friends always enjoy cozy story times! A current favorite is The Little Red Mouse and the Red Ripe Strawberry by Don and Audrey Wood. The children can’t hear this book enough! Capitalizing on this interest, the girls and boys crafted their own strawberries, painted a jumbo bear and created mouse ear headbands. Very cute! Using these props, the kiddos continue to act out the story. They even chose to share strawberries during our afternoon snack!

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The Twilight students love exploring the wide array of literature on our classroom bookshelf. This includes issues of the magazine “Ranger Rick.” A recent article focused on the habits of beavers. The children, of course, wanted to learn more! First, they embarked on a campus wide scavenger hunt, searching for beaver lodges. In addition, the children also collected their own sticks and other supplies to create their very own beaver dams. How cool! Lastly, they put on their chef hats and cooked up some edible beaver lodges, using Chinese noodles and milk chocolate. What a delicious (and informative) snack!