The Sunshine children are amazing mathematicians!
Each day, during Circle Time, our Everyday Mathematics program is an academic staple. This week, the girls and boys were introduced to graphing! The main goal is to expose the class to methods of collecting and representing data, focusing on concrete representations. For instance, on one occasion, the students helped Ms. Sue construct a graph concerning their feelings about coming to school. Each child placed his/her name in the appropriate column. Of course, “happy” was the winner by a landslide. Later, the Sunshiners graphed their ages, as well as their varied footwear. The most hotly debated graph, though, was preferred foods. Would it be pizza, macaroni and cheese or hot dogs? Well, when all was graphed and calculated, mac and cheese prevailed! Wonderful work, kids!
“Five little pumpkins sitting on the gate! The first one said, “Oh my, it’s getting late!” Surely, you’ve heard your child sing this preschool hit.
In the Starburst Classroom, the girls and boys have been very busy investigating pumpkins. The hands-on learning is simply endless! Many students utilized numerous lengths of string to measure various pumpkins, while others organized the classroom pumpkins from smallest to largest. On a different day, the pupils made predictions, testing whether these orange wonders would sink or float! Lastly, the children honed their fine-motor skills by hammering golf tees into numerous pumpkins. Wonderful work, Starburst friends!