Blink, blink, blink!!!! Continuing with our year-long author study, the Rainbow children have chosen a new Donald Crews book, Light. Crews teaches our young bibliophiles about natural and manufactured sources of light (as well as the concept of opposites). The Rainbow girls and boys launched this unit of exploration by creating a jumbo sun to display in our classroom. While singing, “Oh, Mr. Sun,” the children used golf balls and “fire” paint. Later, during Choice Time, the Rainbow kiddos collaged a cardboard box with paper “bricks” to construct a classroom fireplace. How cozy! Our students love to curl up with their friends and pretend to roast marshmallows. Yum! Lastly, the Rainbow children continue to enjoy many adventures with “flashlight scavenger hunts.” Shining their beams helps them find colors, letters and numbers around the Magic Garden campus. Coming up: Friendship Week fun!