Can you feel the love? Our Moonbeam children have kicked off the new school year with a unit on the five senses. Touch is the first segment of this multifaceted unit. The sense of touch positively impacts bonding, emotional health and the development of physical, language and cognitive skills in all children. Sensory play has been a perfect starting point. During Choice Time, the girls and boys have enjoyed koosh ball painting and felt collage projects. Outdoor ventures have been ideal for students to jump, bounce, and run as they explore various environments. Our sensory table is filled with new substances and materials everyday. This includes kinetic sand, foam chunks, pompoms, water, rice, and more. Our most popular sensory substance has been cloud dough. Check out the easy recipe below! Up next: the sense of smell!


  • 5 cups flour
  • 1 cup cooking oil
  • Mix in child-safe bowl
  • Enjoy!