The Lincoln Land Conservation Trust recently invited Magic Garden on a guided tour of nearby pollinator fields. Armed with rain boots and wide eyes, our Sunshine students had a complete blast. This launched a new unit of exploration in the classroom. During Circle Time, our pupils utilized multi-media materials to learn just how vital insects are to pollinating crops and, therefore, the overall ecology of our planet. This prompted more treks into local wooded areas where the children gathered leaves, bark, rocks and other items. After an in-class investigation, the girls and boys each recorded their findings in their science journals. To capitalize on this interest, the Sunshiners crafted their own bumble bee puppets and glitter flowers, illustrating and reinforcing their knowledge. Check out our photo display on Magic Garden’s hallway bulletin board! Coming up…Magic Garden’s annual Costume Day Parade!


Last spring, the Starburst children helped Ms. Elizabeth launch a baking soda and vinegar rocket on Magic Garden’s front lawn. As this vessel soared through the air, it nabbed the interest of our Moonbeam friends. Well, it’s a new year. Our Moonbeam kiddos have graduated to Pre-K and they simply cannot forget that historic launch! A new unit of learning recently blasted off: space! The Starburst girls and boys began by investigating numerous fiction and non-fiction selections during Circle Time. They have acquired many space facts, like Mercury is the hottest planet, at times astronauts are required to actually wear diapers and Venus’ rings are composed of dust, rock and ice. Fusing art exploration, the Starburst students stuffed and decorated a giant, blazing sun. Coming up: a complete classroom installation of our solar system!