In the Sunshine Classroom, our rug area is a designated spot for large-motor construction/building opportunities. Naturally, students are invited to exercise their creativity while exploring a plethora of concepts that include:

* Spatial awareness

* Measurement

* Balance

* Critical thinking skills

* Problem solving

* Conflict resolution

Our children are constantly furnished with a variety of open-ended materials. Wooden blocks, magnet tiles, plastic cups, birch cookies, Styrofoam chunks and even foam noodles are utilized. Recently, educators overheard our children chattering about their wonderful creations. One child said, “I made a fortress, a solid fortress.” Another student exclaimed, “My bridge is balanced, but it’s not strong enough yet.” One girl said, “I’m going to build a skyscraper, like the ones in New York City.”  When it comes to Sunshine STEM, the possibilities are innumerable!


LEGO Man in Space by Mara Shaughnessy has been a favorite story time read in the Starburst Classroom for quite some time. This true story follows two Canadian middle school students who actually send a LEGO man into space. Well, the Starburst gang asked, “Can we do that too?!” The answer was, of course, “YES! YES! YES!” The girls and boys began by scouring the classroom, collecting as many LEGO figures as possible. Our students embarked on the first many “test runs,” using balloons to launch the toys toward the ceiling. Yes! Success! Next, the children ventured outdoors to try again, this time with hopes of reaching a more elevated height. Another success! Mirroring the book, our children attempted to attach a camera (used mobile phone) to the aircraft to record the journey. Blerk! This was not a success; too heavy! Well, after many predictions, modifications and impressive perseverance, the Starburst Classroom had a triumphant blast off using twenty-six Mylar balloons. Check out this inspiring photo diary below. Who knows? Maybe they Starburst kiddos will send themselves to space next. Stay tuned, folks!